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Check it out here: reducing screen time has many other benefits!

In today's busy society, many of us turn to technology to help cope and distract us from the outside world. Technology provides a lot of connection and entertainment during the lockdown, but it's also important to occasionally set it aside and focus on the outside world. Not only is this important to support mental health, but reducing screen time has many other benefits.

Reduce stress

It may seem like an obvious question, but don't underestimate the importance of taking care of your mental health, and getting away from screens can help with that. Sometimes you can get a little overwhelmed by the plethora of phone calls, Zoom calls and video calls. To try to reduce this stress, you can actively decide to take time off each week not to focus too much on your phone, and not deliberately keep checking it every few minutes, so that you can put your time and energy into more meaningful activities.

Improved work efficiency

Many of us are likely procrastinators, and electronic devices may be our biggest productivity killer, further hindering our productivity. By reducing screen time or blocking time-wasting apps, you force yourself to get things done faster with fewer distractions. There are several ways to make sure you don't get distracted. For example, some phones come pre-installed with screen time Settings that allow you to limit the amount of time you spend on certain apps each day.

Improve your sleep schedule

Another well-known benefit of reducing screen time is that you get better sleep. Studies suggest putting your phone away for at least an hour before bed because it relaxes your brain, and I've found this to be true a lot of the time! Most people are aware that blue light from a screen hurts the sleep schedule, so if you can't turn off your phone before going to bed if it can be worth researching if your phone has a blue filter that can be turned on early in the morning and later in the evening. It's also important to keep your phone out of sight while you sleep, as it reduces the temptation to check your phone or turn it on when you should be sleeping.

Most importantly, it will help you focus on the other good things in your life

Reducing screen time can also improve your day's focus because you can appreciate the little things around you that you might miss when you're glued to your phone screen. I've found that even small steps, like going for a walk without your phone or turning it on first thing in the morning, can help you pay more attention to your surroundings and discover the little things that make you happy faster.

If you're constantly looking at your phone, it's recommended that you try going without it for a day and see what you can get out of the experience. specializes in mobile phone partsmobile phone parts 

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  • Oct 09, 2021
  • Category: Blog
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